Thursday, December 07, 2006

Teh Tarik From Space, Anyone?

Read this article with mixed feelings...

Sad that I have to agree with him...


Anonymous said...

It is very sad indeed..

Unknown said...

another 'Boleh' (made up by $$$$$)

abused 'Boleh' and not at the right way...


jasonho said...

Follow up to the article.

Blog readers should subscribe to Screenshots and Musing with Marina Mahathir to get a true picture of our country current well being.

Anonymous said...

hmnn.. talk about the spending, I'd read an article before. It stated that " If a country not spend their money in education, the money will end up in the jail,either renovate it or build it"

Anonymous said...

The powers to be said that the space trip doesn't cost anything as it comes packaged with something else. Yeah rite... think we are stupid hor?

The Russians have so much money that they spend a gazillion bucks just for someone to tarik some teh and play batu seremban in space? Why not do canting and some batik too? And make space age instant roti canai that can be consumed from tube?

Anonymous said...

I find it pretty embarassing after reading the article. What Michael stated is very true. Why can't we Malaysians think of ourselves as Malaysians and not as Malay,Chinese or Indians? We should be working together towards achieving a better tommorrow,improving ourselves (not depending on other countries for fame)rather than squabbling over the unnecessary things.

Anonymous said...

This is an true article that every Malaysian (Chinese and Indian) should work something on it, but come back to the end, what Malaysia Chinese or Indian could do to change this situation??? As a Malaysia Chinese like i am, i found that Malaysia Chinese is not cooperative enough to unite as one community which is helping each other. What Malaysia Chinese know is Money, How to earn Money, and so on and so for... This is really a sad story. Malaysia Chinese will all the time be the second grade citizen of Malaysia as non of us will be caring enough among each other, but the worst thing is because of MONEY, Chinese will kill among themselves for money. This always happened in a Chinese family, and etc...