My brother just told me about his ex-colleague who is a good photographer. Check out his travelling photos at www.seemingphoto.com. The pictures are awesome. This guy is a good designer too. Photos are put into album and looking at them can be quite therapeutic. I had a bad day today but feel much better after enjoying some of the photos. I think this guy is so good that can be a National Geographic's photographer.
I really feel like getting myself a dSLR soon...
Wow... what a spectaculer picture!
Hope you are feeling much better by now :)
selba: my bro's ex colleague? not your ex-colleague?
Yeah, feeling better now. :)
Win, actually is my ex-colleague's friend leh...
anyway, i just emailed seeming and having emails with him now..
Wow...the picture giving yr ex-col inspiration and motivation to look better pay to get those CAMERA...
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