It's really not easy to take good photographs. Not only that photography skill is essential, it also requires a lot of time to observe the environment and patience to wait for the right moment. It's especially hard to catch the best moment of an event, once you missed it, that's it. This is why I hate taking photos for someone's wedding, I feel bad for taking lousy photos for other's big day.
Today I came to know about this photographer called Louis Pang in Kenny Sia's blog. I like his photographs because of his style, and he takes fantastic wedding photos. They look so natural and the angles are excellent. I think that these photos are more natural than those taken in studio. The best thing is, when the pictures are nice, the persons in it don't have to be good looking but still look good too.
Check out his blog for some nice photos [I have also added the link in my blog so that I can check it out every now and then to 'tou si' (learn secretly from the master)].
I guess a good tool is also important, not just skills.
Currently i am using a semi-DSLR camera, which i find it better than any digital compact cameras out there and not as bulky as a DSLR.
jason: Yes, i agree. Will get one next time. :)
wow nice photos and nice gadget too.
i really enjoyed looking at those photos.
this is the link from another guy, he is my ex-colleague's friend, a professional photographer too, take a look.
ko: saw his photographs taken in Cambodia before. Nice!
Hi Kaywin,
Thank you for linking your blog to mine. I blog because I wanna share with others, not just the pictures, but also how it was executed. Stay tune...there are plenty of goodies on the way.
Louis: Thanks for your comment. Will check out your site regularly.
Btw, I am curious to know how did you come to know about my blog?
I can see the incoming links to my blog.
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