Last night we had a farewell dinner for Lam at Las Caritas, USJ. 14 of us turned up including Imeo and her chai chai + sister, who came all the way from Seremban.
Las Caritas is a mexican restaurant and there was quite a lot of customers. The food was quite good, at least for my wagyu beef. But nobody enjoyed better than Mabel, she had the presidente wagyu beef that comes with foie gras.
Somehow the session felt more like a normal dinner. Lam, you forgot to give some speech lah...
Eric quickly button his shirt up after seeing Yi Wei arrived with her sexy 'silk stocking' outfit.
We went to Putrajaya to see some fireworks after the dinner. There were a lot of people and it was so so jam when we reached Putrajaya. We were just in time when we arrived. Most people were like us, want to see fireworks for free, that's why we could only see from far far away and my amateur camera could only take some lousy fireworks photos.
The fireworks lasted for 15 mins and everyone was rushing back right after that. It was even more jam on the way back. The car was stand still on the Seri Wawasan Bridge, I could even take some photos of it. We almost finished listening to 2 CDs in the car, and took us about 1.5 hours to reach USJ.
I think it is still ok to go watch 15 minutes of fireworks in Putrajaya but certainly not worth it to be stuck in the jam for 1.5 hour. Because it was already too late, the night ended without a third session.
I just watched 'Thank You For Smoking' last night. This is a comedy about a tobacco lobbyist, who spins on behalf of cigarettes while trying to remain a role model for his twelve-year-old son.
Although the background of this movie is about tobacco, the movie is not trying to promote smoking cigrettes. It is more on how one can argue about a subject.
Your main target is your audience and not the person you are arguing with. Sometimes you don't have to answer directly to the question asked. As long as you can prove that the other person is wrong, you are right and the audience will be convinced. Nick Naylor, the main character in this movie is really good at that.
I like this movie not because I work in a tobacco company. It is entertaining and the way this guy argue is fantastic. No wonder this is a recommended movie for MBA students of Manchester University, may be they can learn how to argue better after watching it.
Last year I posted about my nephew reading 弟子规. Recently he even knows how to apply it. That day I took his bag in front of him, he said '倘不问 即为偷', meaning taking other's belongings without permission is considered stealing.
Yesterday I was looking at him eating. Then he said his teacher teaches that it is not nice to look at others eating. I just smiled and continued to look at him. Then he said '不关己 莫闲管', meaning don't be busybody if it doesn't concern you.